Month: September 2011

Butterflies and moths are very difficult creatures to photograph, I’ve discovered. The way I know this is by observing that my ratio of “keepers” to “photos taken” is much much lower than my normal shooting ratio. I think I end up keeping one of every 20 photo of these ever moving beauties. Read More

I love visiting aquariums. I’m not sure why. It doesn’t matter, I love ’em! Taking pictures in aquariums is a different matter. I’m discovering that’s not an easy affair. Glass bends, refracts, distorts light in strange ways. Water does so in even stranger ways it seems. Lighting is often difficult to work with. All this Read More

These fluffy, feathery, fanciful, sometime flightless creatures are a wonder of wonders to this photographer. Such color, such shapes, such strange sounds! I am grateful for zoos, conservatories, and aquariums which have allowed me to glance with my own eyes a little sample of the vast world of ornithology. Read More

This album is my attempt to collect my best pictures of birds that catch their food “on the fly” as it were. Some of these particular birds don’t do so because they’re in captivity, but they sure would if they weren’t behind bars. These are birds that tend to capture the imagination and wish half Read More

Birds are quite challenging to photograph. They are challenging to photograph well. They require a lot of wildlife observation skills in addition to some real technical photographic skill. Since I lack both fairly substantially, you will no doubt look on these with mercy. Rejoice with me at the very good fortune I had on a Read More

This photographer has wandered a bit in his native Alps and has collected a few good sightings of the various species of Ibex. Some of these I got within a few meters. Some (the more distant shots) are of the elusive and furtive “chamois” (rupicapra rupicapra) which I dream some day of seeing up close. Read More

Various mammals (OK, they’re mainly rodents/vermin) that live close to where my camera resides. Read More

This collection contains my feeble attempts to see mammals in the wild. Some day this album will have more variety, I hope! Read More

Between low tide and high tide, there exists a fascinating yet fragile ecosystem which is well worth an afternoon of observation. Acadia National Park was the place I discovered this world. Thanks to Ranger Eleanor… Read More

Birds that fly free where the wind will take them and when men won’t shoot them. Most of these just me drool at the idea of getting big fancy lenses and spending days just waiting for the perfect shot… Read More