Here are some simple instructions for how to download pictures from Nico’s Flickr space:
- Within flickr, find the album and the photo you want (a shared link often gets you there as well)
- Above the photo (on the left upper edge of the photo) there’s an “Actions” button.
- Click the Actions menu and choose “View all Sizes”
- Pick the size you want and it’ll load it up in your window (or right-click it and do a “save as” command)
Are these instructions helpful? Don’t hesitate to drop Nico an email if you need further assistance in getting the picture. I realize that the Flickr interface can be a bit obscure and confusing at times…
A simple video instruction is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ps1HjmWuOCs
There are also apps that allow you to bulk download all my picts – see this link (http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/3-awesome-tools-download-flickr-photos-sets/) for a couple popular options…
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