In an attempt to register for a photography competition, I reviewed my recent pictures. The competition sign-up fell through because this brother was too cheap to pay money to register… but the process of selecting some picts was rather enjoyable. The following is my “top 40” from May 2013 to Feb 2014. Enjoy!

The 2014 calendar was inspired by a number of zoo and aquarium visits Nico did during his summer 2013 vacation. (My hearty thanks to all the great friends who made this possible!) Two calendars were produced this year, one of animals, and one of just birds. Below is the broad selection of pictures that were

Nico has produced his fourth calendar… This year there are two choices (one with more flowers, one with less). You can download the proofs PDF here: in zip format. (it’s approx 20MB in size) You can also view each one separately here: Cal 1 (more mountains, less flowers) Cal 2 (more flowers, less mountains) The

Here are some simple instructions for how to download pictures from Nico’s Flickr space: Within flickr, find the album and the photo you want (a shared link often gets you there as well) Above the photo (on the left upper edge of the photo) there’s an “Actions” button. Click the Actions menu and choose “View

Nico takes a quick look back at the past year. It was a good one! You can either click on photos below to launch the slideshow, or… Right click on this link (http://resources.nicoangleys.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/Jan-2012-NL-English-10×7-hi-res.pdf) and save as – to get it in PDF on your local computer.